Optimize the management of your vehicle fleet

Often seen as part of the compensation package, company vehicles, whatever the status, function or even service, are of significant interest among all employees of a company.

The choice of the company vehicle catalog is generally determined by comparing the TCO (total cost of ownership) of each vehicle model, while looking at the category (sedan, station wagon, etc.), engine, CO2 emissions, segment and the make of the vehicle in relation to the category of drivers. Taxation remains a determining element because it contributes to a large part of the cost.

Several actors intervene for the financing, the choice and the management of vehicles. Beyond 300 vehicles in the fleet, it is recommended to adopt fleet management software and also, regardless of fleet size, to define the management method used: internalized or outsourced.

In order to reduce this TCO, EPSA Operations & Procurement can support you in monitoring and optimization by pulling on various levers identified during a diagnosis of your fleet.

Our areas of action


Our teams take a picture of your fleet management in order to determine the points of attention and the actions to be taken according to your needs and objectives.


After a complete analysis of your needs, our teams manage tenders from end to end in order to provide you with the best conditions.

Fleet management

Our teams support the fleet manager / fleet responsible on all administrative issues, improving the user experience, managing Information Systems and maintenance.


Our teams can, upon request, assist you in creating or updating your vehicle catalog, while taking into account products, fiscal changes and environmental practices .

Mobility Orientation Law (LOM)

Our teams support you in bringing your vehicle policy into compliance in order to meet the requirements of the LOM law.

the EPSA operations and procurement touch

Our added value

Our Automotive Fleet consultants masterprocurement processes thanks to multiple experiences with clients of all sizes (public and private) and from all areas (France and abroad), thus allowing greater efficiency.

Their knowledge of the various Fleet Management markets allows them to target an approach to your issues while ensuring the right service provider is chosen. We also integrate CSR issues into each of our approaches in order to provide an optimised service.

Your goals our solutions

Our teams help you to control costs by allowing you to adopt a strategy adapted to your needs, with tools allowing cost optimization and reflection on alternative mobility solutions.

Our teams integrate environmental issues into their studies and offer vehicle sharing solutions (pool or car sharing, mobility credit, private leasing), low carbon vehicles and are attentive to latest trends.

Our teams support you in order to improve the user experience over the entire duration of contract execution by setting up effective performance indicators.

Our teams are constantly monitoring the market to offer the latest innovations tailored to your needs. From TCO to TCM, the company’s cost of mobility, the vehicle is no longer the only mode of transport – mobility solutions are leading to a shift from membership models to usage based models.

Our teams identify risky behaviors via telematics tools or mobile applications, and implement road risk prevention plans.

Our references

Grand Lyon
Rhône le département
pôle emploi
France TV